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PCP Rifle Hatsan Factor Bullpup FDE


The Hatsan Factor is a powerful compressed air rifle that is very easy to adjust to your own wishes.
This Bullpup version retains the full length and power of the factor and packs it into a compact, versatile package.

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The Hatsan Factor is a powerful PCP air rifle that is very easy to adjust to your own demands.

This interesting PCP rifle is equipped with an externally adjustable regulator.
The regulator is an important part that reduces the pressure from the bottle and keeps it consistent for every shot.
as long as the pressure of the bottle is higher than that of the regulator (also called the plenum pressure), the Factor will shoot with exactly the same energy.
And as we know, consistency is precision!


Bullpup design

The Factor BP is an very compact airgun.
Hatsan achieved this by placing the full length Factor inside a bullpup stock.
The entire mechanism and magazine are located at the back of the stock near the cheek piece.

The result is a compact rifle that retains the full barrel length and power/precision of the normal model.


Using the Hatsan Factor

The Factor BP uses a removable magazine with a capacity of no less than 21 shots! (19 in 6.35mm)

Filling the rifle is done by means of a side-lever on the right side of the air rifle.
This biathlon-style cocking lever allows you to quickly and reliably reload the Factor for a new shot.

The barrel has a shroud that already reduces noise considerably, but if desired it can be extended with an extra silencer/suppressor thanks to the 1/2UNF thread.

Filling is done via a quick connect at the bottom of the rifle. The Factor has a filling pressure of 250 bar.



The Factor BP has iron sights or other optics by default.
On top of the rifle are Hatsan's double rail. This rail accepts both 9-11mm dovetail, and 22mm picatinny/weaver mounts.

This means that any rifle scope you prefer can be mounted.
An example would be the Hawke 3-9x40 AO, which covers all the minimum requirements for a good scope.
Or alternatively the Vector Veyron 6-24x44 FFP for long distance work.

Questions about optics and options? Please feel free to contact us for any advise you need.



The Factor is adjustable in power. This allows this rifle to be adjusted to the specific requirements of the shooter.
The most interesting thing is that these adjustment options are all external. The rifle, therefore, does not have to be taken apart for an adjustment.

Of course, the trigger is also adjustable. The stock and cheek piece are also adjustable, and even the grip position can be changed.

The Hatsan Factor BP has the option to adjust the transfer port in 3 positions.
These are the largest steps and with this you cut off the air flow.

As mentioned earlier, the Factor is equipped with a regulator.
This is externally adjustable in pressure. In short, higher pressure gives more power, and lower pressure gives more shots per fill.

The hammer spring is also adjustable. This determines the force with which the hammer hits the valve.
The more spring tension, the further the valve opens, and the more air flies into the barrel.
This is also an important feature that is often overlooked in compressed air rifles with an adjustable regulator.
A higher plenum pressure also requires more hammer spring tension to open the valve.

With this adjustability, Hatsan gives these factory specifications:

5.5mm (.22)

Transferpoort  Min - max hamerveer
3 41..5 to 50.5 Joule
2 31 to 35 Joule
1 17.5 to 20.4Joule

6,35mm (.25)

Transferpoort  Min - max hamerveer
3 41,3 to 56.4
2 33 to 38 Joule
1 21,5 to 24 Joule



In short

The Hatsan Factor BP FDE is a very interesting rifle that we are happy to have in our range.
The Factor has a lot of adjustability that is normally in a much higher price range.

Despite the wide features, the Factor BP maintains ease of use.

Power source: Pre compressed pneumatic (PCP)
Caliber: 5.5mm (.22) | 6.35mm (.25)
Muzzle energy: See table in description
Fill pressure: 250 bar
Air capacity: 580cc
Regulator: Yes, adjustable
Operating system: Side lever
Magazine: 21 |19 shots
Max. projectile length: 12mm
Optic mounting: Double 11mm and 22mm rails
Weight: 3.8kg
Length: 870mm
Barrel length: 585mm
Muzzle: Thread 1/2unf
Accessories: Magazijn
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